New Mexico Arts Imaginative Collective is a non-profit organization. If you like what you have seen please click on the donate button so we can bring you more videos and in-person exhibits.
Artist Statements
Rebecca Bulgrin- Stained Glass Artist
Everything about nature is beautiful and awe-inspiring. I have tried to capture a small portion of various amazing friends we see; to help you step through the gateway into this amazing world.
Alexandra Dell’Amore- Painter
I believe art is an expression of the artist’s creative universe. New Mexico is a place where my art is expressed particularly in nature. The Bosque and foothills are special to my heart. The two horse paintings “Waiting" were inspired by people here who were on horseback, admiring the foothills; wondering when the pandemic would end.
The Chupacabra painting was inspired by testimonies of this creature that came up from Mexico and liked to eat chickens. I hope you enjoy my expressions of New Mexico.
Bobby J. Jones- Painter
A gateway focuses upon an entrance or a passage that may be closed by a gate. It may also center upon a structure for enclosing such an opening or entrance.
A sense of wonder is a feeling of awakening or awe triggered by an expansion of one’s awareness of what is possible or by confrontation with vastness of space or time.
Color, joy, sunrise, love, and magic can be seen inside my mixed media paintings these days. The first time I spotted the physical surroundings of The Open Space Visitor’s Center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. I found inspiration through color. I arrived to this spot after a late spring rainstorm in June.
The New Mexico sunrise became my gateway to a sense of wonder in creating these five mixed media paintings for this wonderful art exhibit.
Rudy J. Miera-Painter
Throughout the past 5 years, Rudy J. Miera has worked on a series of “mountainscape” paintings featuring the Sandia Mountains as seen through the lenses of a variety of points-of-view, palettes, techniques and temperament. The results are a body of work incorporating a journey of discovery and imagination.
Vance Sterling- Sculptor
My work is collaboration between myself and the forest, as I harvest branches and use their natural shapes to bring the figures to life. The design process unfolds slowly as each new branch is attached, so my role is equal parts artist and observer.