ABOUT New Mexico Arts Imaginative Collective
The New Mexico Arts Imaginative Collective (NMAIC) began its mission in 2019. The plan was to have a month long art exhibit with New Mexico artists called Sense of Wonder Experience in April 2020. In addition to the art exhibit a series of three different performance art events would be interspersed throughout the month. The performance arts included New Mexico poets, composers, musicians and filmmakers.
Our Mission
The New Mexico Arts Imaginative Collective (NMAIC) provides a supportive environment for New Mexico artists to collaborate and share imaginative expression. It strives to create ensembles of artists that join in community events showcasing the uniqueness and diversity of their art.
Our Vision
The New Mexico Arts Imaginative Collective supports imaginative collaborations of emerging and established New Mexico artists uniting to create art that engages and enhances community.
Our History
Due to the unforeseen arrival of Covid-19 in March 2020 the live performances had to be cancelled.
NMAIC persevered while following Covid guidelines by virtually producing and then live streaming three events that simulated the original plan on their Facebook page, YouTube Channel and Albuquerque Public Access. The three premieres were within the month of December, 2020.
In 2021, NMAIC continued to be noticed virtually receiving two grants, spring and fall from the City of Albuquerque. Both grant proposals presented by NMAIC were to produce one hour’s worth of content for Albuquerque’s Public Access Channel. NMAIC produced innovated original documentaries in the spring titled Sense of Wonder “Doc-u-Moments” and in the fall “Day in the Life of…”
The “Doc-u-Moments” series encouraged multiple art disciplines to collaborate on a performance presentation of an artist’s work or a video demonstrating on how an artist goes through their creative process.
The “Day in the Life…”series captures New Mexico artists from the viewpoint of a camera’s lens. The audience observes three artists going about their unique daily routines which inspires and demonstrates how they create art.
In August of 2021 NMAIC was granted its 501c3 status.
In 2022, NMAIC was invited to collaborate with Martinart Studios in the very first ‘TWO MOONS’ Art Exhibit Series called The Surrealist Dreamers of New Mexico performed at FUSION event center in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Three live contracted performances were strategically scheduled during the two month exhibit including readings of original poetry by local poets and a screening of films by local filmmakers.
In August of 2022, NMAIC submitted a proposal to Albuquerque Open Space Visitor Center (OSVC). In October 2022, NMAIC was invited to participate in the OSVC 2023 season. NMAIC’s project “Gateway to Sense of Wonder” will be at the OSVC April 8th through July 15th 2023. The collective has assembled a diverse and colorful ensemble of artists and other 501c3 organizations, each with a unique vision of Albuquerque’s open spaces, to perform and exhibit at the OSVC.
Components of the project include installed art, a variety of storytelling events for children of all ages, a film documentary, puppet shows produced by Off Center Community Arts Project, a science and tech-driven model railroad and a tour of the night sky guided by members of The Albuquerque Astronomical Society.
NMAIC goals are to continue to find collaborative opportunities for Albuquerque’s creative artists, to pool resources with other 501c3 non-profits and provide free outstanding art experiences for the Albuquerque community.